

How to wear a crop top, one.

   On a usual night out with friends in a greek island (eating, after a looong day at the beach), I spotted two girls wearing those pretty crop tops, so I went over and asked them where they got them from, and to my surprise, the one of the girls was the designer! My short vacation ended, but when I returned home, I ordered one (my girlfriends did too!) and a few days later, my floral Fab-E by Efstathia crop top was here. I figured, what a great way to make the return from holidays a bit easier! 
   Remember my last year's post of how to wear a scarf in 5 ways? Well, I loved the idea of taking an item and finding different ways of wearing it, so here is the first one of this crop top. Worn with high-waisted jeans shorts, perfect for summer. Stay tuned for the rest!

shorts  OYSHO


  1. Teleio to top alla kai olokliro to outfit!

  2. Wonderful!!I love the flower print on the top!!
    I'm having a giveaway on my blog with some of my handmade bandanas and bracelets!I would be sooo happy if you'd check it out!!


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